Unveiling the Mystery: How Many Cups Are in a Bushel?


In cooking and baking, it’s essential to have a good understanding of various measurements to ensure your recipes turn out perfectly. One common question that arises is: How many cups are in a bushel? Let’s delve into this topic and uncover the conversion factors involved.

Understanding Bushels

A bushel is a unit of volume used in the United States for dry goods. It is typically used to measure produce such as fruits and vegetables. The exact volume of a bushel can vary depending on the type of product being measured. For example, a bushel of apples will have a different volume than a bushel of corn.

Conversion Factors

When it comes to converting bushels to cups, the conversion factor can vary depending on the specific ingredient. Here are some common conversions:


1 bushel of corn is approximately equal to 56 pounds, which is roughly equivalent to 8 gallons. When converting to cups, 1 bushel of corn is approximately equal to 35.2 cups.


For apples, 1 bushel is equivalent to around 126 medium apples. When converting to cups, 1 bushel of apples is approximately equal to 128 cups of sliced apples.

Practical Applications

Understanding how many cups are in a bushel can be quite helpful when following recipes or planning for large-scale cooking or preserving projects. Knowing these conversions can help you accurately portion out ingredients and ensure that your dishes turn out as expected.


In conclusion, the number of cups in a bushel can vary depending on the specific ingredient being measured. By being aware of the conversion factors and understanding how to convert bushels to cups, you can confidently tackle your cooking and baking endeavors with precision and accuracy.

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