Simplifying Kitchen Measurements: Converting 142 Grams to Cups


One common dilemma in the kitchen is converting between measurements. In this blog post, we will explore the conversion of grams to cups, specifically focusing on how many cups are equivalent to 142 grams. Let’s delve into the world of culinary measurements and simplify this process for you!

Grams to Cups Conversion

When it comes to converting grams to cups, it’s important to note that this conversion varies depending on the ingredient being measured. Different substances have different densities, affecting the conversion rate. However, for common cooking ingredients like flour, sugar, or cocoa powder, we can provide a general conversion to make your kitchen endeavors easier.

How Many Cups is 142 Grams?

So, you might be wondering, how many cups are in 142 grams? Let’s break it down for you:


For all-purpose flour, 1 cup is generally around 120-125 grams. Therefore, 142 grams of flour would be approximately 1.1 to 1.2 cups.


Granulated sugar has a similar density to all-purpose flour. In this case, 142 grams of sugar would also be roughly equal to 1.1 to 1.2 cups.

Cocoa Powder:

Cocoa powder is slightly lighter, so 1 cup of cocoa powder is around 90 grams. Hence, 142 grams of cocoa powder would be approximately 1.6 cups.


Converting between grams and cups doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a basic understanding of the density of common ingredients, you can easily decipher how many cups are in a given weight. The next time you find a recipe calling for 142 grams of an ingredient, you can confidently measure it out in cups based on our conversion guide. Happy cooking!

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